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What we do?


Event Medical Consultancy Ltd. are experts in providing consultancy work to organisers of Mass Participation Sporting Events. Working alongside the organiser, and consulting on all aspects of medical care, we provide a tailored medical solution to the event.


​The main objective for Event Medical Consultancy is to ensure the safe and appropriate management of Events we do this by:

  • Adopting an intelligence-based approach to understanding the risk profile for the given event

  • Pre-positioning medical resources to focus on locations and groups of highest risks

  • Employing a robust command, control and communication structure which can promptly receive, analyse and act upon requests for medical assistance

  • Effective co-ordination and liaison with the event organiser, other agencies and statutory medical services operating within the event footprint

  • Ensuring the medical contractor provides the highest standards of clinical care to patients

  • Effective liaison and co-operation with the Medical Director and contracted health professionals, including a clear distinction of clinical responsibilities

What we specialise in?

  • Providing input in to writing of RFP Undertake Medical Risk Assessment 

  • Writing of Strategic, or Checking and Approving Operational, Medical Plans 

  • Management of the Medical Services 

  • Provision of a Medical Director 

  • Tracking of Medical Activity 

  • Detailed Medical Reports

  • Provision of Medical expertise outside of the UK


Part of our management of medical servic

Provision of Services outside of the UK


Event Medical Consultancy can provide a Medical Advisor to work alongside the organising team.

As part of the support to the local teams, Event Medical Consultancy will bring out UK Paramedics to support and act as advisors. Due to the legalities of providing clinical care within some Countries, they may not be able to undertake a clinical function unless authorisation is provided by the local Health Authority.

Our aim will be to contract and train local medics to deliver the care, providing a legacy for future events.


We also understand the importance of Command and Control in managing the resources available to provide a safe, legal and effective response to calls for assistance. This requires rapid, informed, decision making, and constantly reviewed planning based on current and predicted occurrences. It is, in essence, effective information processing, e.g. receiving information, deciding who needs that information, how urgent and important the information is, and ensuring that it is passed onto the parties who require it.  For each event, Event Medical Consultancy will bring a person trained in the control of medical resources to undertake this function.


They will work alongside the Medical Director to ensure that the appropriate resources are sent to the calls and any decisions about destination for the patient is taken in unison with the Medical Director.


Event Medical Consultancy will also provide a Command and Control System that will allow us to track the resources out on the course and send information about medical calls to the nearest resource. The CCS works on 4G/Wifi networks, and Event Medical Consultancy will invest in this system for the events should

we be successfully appointed. We have also licensed the use of All calls a cloud-based event logging system, from controlled events, to a provide the client with a transparent report of all calls received during the event and at the end of each day a printout will be provided to form part of the event log. 

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We can provide Equipment and Medicines

Event Medical Consultancy have access to a wide range of Event Equipment. Depending on the clients need, we would be able to provide the equipment from a Primary Response bag for the Local Medic to a field hospital set up with Resuscitation Bays. We would need to understand what equipment could be sourced locally versus what equipment would need to be imported. We would work with the local teams to source any Medicines, although, due to the restrictions on controlled drugs within some countries, we may not be able to provide any drugs that are restricted by the health authority in those countries. 

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